Selection Boxes
Dynasty Selection Box Fireworks
Dynasty 15 pieces Selection Box Firework
An exciting selection of premium fireworks including 4 multi-shot aerial display, 7 multi-effect Fountains, 2 Shot Tubes and 2 packs of giant sparkles with each pack containing 5 easy light sparkles.
8 metres spectator distance
The law in the UK states that you must be age 18 or over, to legally buy fireworks.
Proof of ID and Licence will be required.
Final Fantasy Selection Box Fireworks
Final Fantasy 14 pieces Selection Box Firework
A fantastic selection of 14 larger, bigger effect fireworks comprising 4 Fountains, 3 Roman Candles, 1 Shot Tubes, 3 Roman Candle Cake, 2 Rockets and 1 Mine.
8 metres spectator distance
The law in the UK states that you must be age 18 or over, to legally buy fireworks.
Proof of ID and Licence will be required.
Thrills & Sorcery Selection Box Fireworks
Thrills & Sorcery 16 pieces Selection Box Firework
An exciting selection of longer lasting mixed effect fireworks comprising 8 Fountains, 2 Roman Candles, 1 Shot Tube, 2 Roman Candle Cakes, 2 Rockets and 1 Mine.
8 metres spectator distance
The law in the UK states that you must be age 18 or over, to legally buy fireworks.
Proof of ID and Licence will be required.
Wizard Trick Selection Box Fireworks
Wizard Tricks 15 pieces Selection Box Firework
A brilliant selection of 15 items, perfect for all the family! The box includes 8 Fountains, 3 Roman Candles, 3 Shot Tubes and 1 Roman Candle Cake.
8 metres spectator distance
The law in the UK states that you must be age 18 or over, to legally buy fireworks.
Proof of ID and Licence will be required.
Bedazzled Selection Box Fireworks
Bedazzled 12 pieces Selection Box Firework
An excellent selection of LOW noise garden fireworks comprising:
10 Fountains
2 Roman Candles
8 metres spectator distance
The law in the UK states that you must be age 18 or over, to legally buy fireworks.
Proof of ID and Licence will be required.
Single Ignition Fireworks
Phantom: An exciting single ignition firework featuring V-shaped firings of red tails rising up to titanium gold palm bursts with white plum, brocade bursts with green and white glitter, red and green palms bursts with crackle and a lively finale showcasing red tails rising up to titanium gold palm with red and blue stars and red starbursts with crackle.
25 Metre Spectator Distance
Shots: 106
Duration: 60 Sec.
1 Per Carton
The Law in the UK states that you must be age 18 and over, to legally buy Fireworks.
Proof of ID and Licence will be required.
Spectre: A superb show fearturing colourful effects such as orange and purple starbursts with green and white glitter, red palm bursts with white glitter and silver palm bursts with red glitter. The finale features red comet pillar with gold palm and green glitter firing in a W-shaped pattern and brocade bursts.
25 Metre Spectator Distance
Shots: 138
Duration: 65 Sec.
1 Per Carton
The Law in the UK states that you must be age 18 and over, to legally buy Fireworks.
Proof of ID and Licence will be required.
Venom: This amazing single ignition features an extensive amount of colourful effects including orange and green starbursts with crackle and red, white and blue starburts rising in a W-shaped pattern. Green and blue starburts with red plum lead to the fantastic finale of brocade bursts with green glitter and silver spider crackle bursts with red stars.
25 Metre Spectator Distance
Shots: 171
Duration: 85 Sec.
1 Per Carton
The Law in the UK states that you must be age 18 and over, to legally buy Fireworks.
Proof of ID and Licence will be required.
Payback: Red, green and silver tail rise to an array of colourful palm bursts with white glitter followed by red and green tail leading to red and green starburts with crackle. Gold tail rises to giant brocade bursts with red, green and blue stars followed by the brilliant finale of fanned red and green tail leading to red and green swimming stars with white glitter.
25 Metre Spectator Distance
Shots: 82
Duration: 75 Sec.
4 Per Carton
The Law in the UK states that you must be age 18 and over, to legally buy Fireworks.
Proof of ID and Licence will be required.
Space Race
Space Race.
A spectacular single ignition firework showcasing multi-effect bursts such as red and blue stars with white glitter, green palm with white glitter and gold palm with red glitter. The fantastic finale features a sky full of brilliant brocade bursts with blue stars.
The law in the UK states that you must be age 18 or over, to legally buy fireworks.
Proof of ID and Licence will be required.
Independence Day
Independence Day.
A fantastic flurry of red and blue starbursts with silver wave is followed by white glitter mine rising to bursts of brocade to green stars and purple crossettes. Blue starbursts with silver fish, screeching whistles and brocade with chrysanthemum lead to fabulous finale of titanium gold palm with green glitter and fanned spectacular sparkle wilbw & blue stars.
The law in the UK states that you must be age 18 or over, to legally buy fireworks.
Proof of ID and Licence will be required.